Friday 21 June 2013

interactive game review

I found this topic very hard and confusing, I need to improve on a lot of things relating to this topic. My only strength in my opinion was my ideas and planning, I think I done pretty good on that part, In this topic I felt that I could have listened more and tried to memorise more instead of simultaneously calling miss over to help every 5 seconds. I think I was just feeling lazy and I could’ve tried to do more on my own, I just didn’t want to mess it up. If my aim is to be a graphics designer when I grow up I’m going to have to learn how to use these basic programs like adobe flash and photoshop.

Most of this project for me didn’t go too well. In the end my game wasn’t even created because I kept getting frustrated about it and forgetting lots of important stuff. I really couldn’t be asked at that time to complete it so every btec day I would think; I can’t be asked I’ll do it next time. It was left too late so I couldn’t complete it.

What little did go well for me in this project was the planning and the ideas. I had lots of information on my game ideas sheet including lots of colour and detailed images, I planned out the rooms and where the doors in the game lead in a fairly understandable way.

Things I would have improved on was when I done it so that I might have been able to complete my game, I would also have taken a break during the annoying parts to prevent myself losing my temper like I did.

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