Friday 21 September 2012

the good and bad of our practice interview

me Amber, Kieran and Ben went into miss coopers room in the art department and ended up coming out with like 10 minutes worth of absolute random stuff but in the end at take 13 we got it right.
i think this was the fifth take and the subject somehow changed from my topic of video games, flash games and cartoons to horses and we didn't bother about cutting the scene for a while so we had about 5 minutes of Ben asking amber about horses.
then in another take we had Ben and amber staring at each other for ages before asking the questions and later in that scene they both started laughing.
take 13 was the lucky take when we finally got it right and Ben didn't run out the door shouting "the avengers need me!". ????
what went wrong was the topic changing to horses which in the end i just gave Ben a list of questions for him to read from and told him to try to stay on topic this time, and i don't think amber and spinney chairs are a good idea either because even on take 13 we had amber scooting off on the spinney chair and Ben walking out leaving his guest.
what went well was take 13 in total and i think kieran makes a very good camera man, he also helped by sharing his ideas.
so thanks to the people who took part :)

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