Friday 1 June 2012

btec aviva project

Just recently Aviva has started a project of saving money, Aviva are aiming this new way of saving money to young adults and teenagers so that they learn how to save money in the future and so that they know a lot more ways to save money as they grow older.

Guaranteed Selection

Our Guaranteed Selection is designed to appeal to a broad range of investors. The Guaranteed Selection provides prospects for growth along with built-in guarantees that protect a defined level of your original investment on its fifth anniversary.
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the guaranteed amount if you withdraw your money at any other time.
Whether your approach to investing is very cautious, or if you are willing to accept some risk, we are confident that our three carefully balanced funds have something to offer you.


Investment ISA

The Aviva Investors Investment ISA is a stocks and shares ISA that gives you the potential for higher returns than a cash ISA.
  • Puts your money into funds that invest in stocks, shares and property
  • You balance the higher risk with the potential for higher returns
  • And offers a tax-efficient way of investing over the longer term
  • Remember, investment values can go down as well as up and you may get back less than your original investment.

What attracts people to the investments isa is the possibility of getting back more money that you originally invested, also they offer a tax efficient way and this helps you save money.


Investment Bond

Portfolio from Aviva is an investment bond that allows you to invest a single lump sum:
  • Designed for long-term investment
  • It aims to provide either capital growth, an income or both
  • There is a wide range of funds available for you to choose to invest in
  • Remember, investment values can go down as well as up and you might get back less than you paid in.

What attracts people to the investment bond is that it’s a long-term investment so if you have more money than you can fit in your purse then you can store it for a longer time in a bank where you can collect it whenever you need it. There is also a wider range of funds available for you to choose.
The Aviva brand image was designed to look happy and cheerful and to attract the attention of others, the reason for this is that the better the icon looks the more people are most likely going to go to Aviva to save money instead of another different money saving site.

Banks across the world try and divert your attention over to them by offering interests, pensions and they also let you borrow money until your next payday. People find these offers usefull and more people go to that bank for those offers.

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